Sunday, March 20, 2011

Passion Connection

Cosmetology is my passion because it is what I would like to pursue as a career. I plan on attending the Aveda Institute in Des Moines. Ive wanted to be a beautician as long as i can remember. Aveda has been my main choice in schools to go to. While working on this project, I was able to go job shadow Rick Mosley and he gave me very helpful advice. I enjoyed my time with him.

Current Impact

Hair styles are constantly changing. So you want to give them what they want and what makes them look the best. Our economy was going down hill for awhile, so people were getting by with just the bare minimals, but now that the economy is boosting back up. People are wanting everything done, so you want to give them all you got to get their money's worth.


Cosmetology includes the study of skin care, cosmetics, hairstyles and hair care, beauty therapy, etc. Historians say that some of these early methods of beauty treatment can be traced back to the days of the Egyptians. Since everyone in the ancient world was either a master or servant, the history of cosmetology began as a skilled trade among the servant class, and Egyptian woman had perfected the art of using ochres, and dyes on their cheeks and eyes, as depicted in Egyptian art. Many of the Egyptian women and men wore wigs, and the wig stylist appeared very early in the history of cosmetology. Egyptians had also perfected the art of extracting essential oils from herbs, the same procedure that is used for making essential oils today.


There are many beauty schools in Iowa to choose from. It is best if you go to a beauty school in the state of Iowa because we require more hours of learning. I was planning on going to the Aveda Institute in Minnesota, but realized I needed more hours. So I could go to school there, but then i would have to come back here to finish my hours somewhere else. Luckily for me, they had built an Aveda Institute. Some schools here are The Salon Professional Academy, La'James International, Capri, Davenport Academy Paul Mitchell Partner, American Hair Academy(Bill Hill's) and Aveda.